You may get frustrated with Error Code 1309 in Windows 10/8/7 or Windows Server. This error comes under installation error type and usually occurs when you try to install software or a driver in the Windows OS. Each time, the installation will be failed along with the following error message:
Error 1309 Error Reading From File Pes 2013
There are several unique ways to fix this error but it depends on which area is affected in your system. So, it is advisable to you that apply the following solutions in sequence and check for error 1309.
Most of the time, the error code 1309 appears due to misconfigured registry files, improper system settings, improper file permission, missing system files like DLL files, exe file, sys files, inf files, ocx files etc, outdated software and drivers, installing incompatible software etc. The Advanced System Repair Tool takes cares of all the PC Problems and fix this error just with a single click.
If you are getting continuously this error when installing some software then you must update your Windows Operating System, Drivers, and all other software. Most of the latest software and drivers require the latest version of windows that holds some extra DLL file. By updating or upgrading your operating system you can easily fix this error.
Antivirus and Firewall are made to block the suspicious programs from being install in your PC. However, sometimes mistakenly it marks your installation file as virus and trojan and block installation and you end with error code 1309. You still have to make sure that the installation file is authenticated and downloaded from the official site before disabling Antivirus and Firewall. You also make sure to enable Antivirus and Firewall again after installing the file.
In this article, I tried to explain how can you fix installation error code 1309 in Windows 10/8/7/Vista and Windows Server. There are 6 methods are given in this article and you should try each method one by one.
Error 1309 can also relate to the length of the path to the files, which means you will need to run the installer from higher up in the directory tree, i.e move/uncompress the archive to the top of your C: drive.
I went to Internet Options and lowered my Local Intranet security (and made sure I was allowed to open unsafe files as well) but this still does not solve the issue. I also want to make a note that initially, I was able to run these files individually but the installer would still fail with the same error.
Another reason is that error is the quality CD / DVD from that installation. If it shows traces of substances or scratches on the reading, then chances are high that it be due. Solving it is easy to understand.
You may experience this error while installing AutoCAD software, according to our research, the error appears on the screen when Autodesk is unable to find the source file during the installation of AutoCAD, however, if you check the file it is present. 2ff7e9595c