Fallout Shelter Editor Apk: How to Modify Your Save Files with FOSE
Fallout Shelter is a popular simulation game that lets you build and manage an underground vault in a post-apocalyptic world. You can create rooms, assign dwellers to different tasks, explore the wasteland, and protect your vault from various threats. But what if you want to customize your vault even more? What if you want to have unlimited resources, max out your dwellers' stats, unlock all rooms, or change your vault name? That's where an editor apk comes in.
An editor apk is a modified version of the original game app that allows you to edit your save files and change various aspects of the game. One of the most popular editor apks for Fallout Shelter is FOSE - Fallout Shelter Editor. This is a script that you can run on your PC, Android, iOS, or Nintendo Switch device to modify your save files. In this article, we will show you how to use FOSE to customize your vault to your liking.
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How to use FOSE - Fallout Shelter Editor
FOSE is a Python script that you can download from GitHub. It works for Fallout Shelter on PC (Steam, Bethesda, and Windows Store), Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch. To modify your save on the Nintendo Switch, you need to use the Checkpoint save manager. Before you use FOSE, make sure you back up your save files in case something goes wrong.
Downloading and installing FOSE
To download FOSE, go to the GitHub page and click on the green Code button. Then choose Download ZIP. Extract the ZIP file to a folder on your device. You will need Python 3 installed on your device to run FOSE. You can download Python 3 from here. You will also need to install some Python modules by running the following command in a terminal or command prompt:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This will install the modules that FOSE needs to work.
Required arguments: save key and save iv
To use FOSE, you need to provide two required arguments: the save key and the save iv. These are the encryption/decryption key and iv that Fallout Shelter uses to encrypt/decrypt its save files. The developer of FOSE does not share these values publicly, but you can find them by searching online or by using a hex editor to view your save files. The key and iv are 32 hexadecimal characters each. You need to provide them as arguments when running FOSE like this:
python FOSE.py --save-key [key] --save-iv [iv]
Replace [key] and [iv] with the actual values that you found.
Optional arguments: modifying resources, dwellers, rooms, and vault name
In addition to the required arguments, you can also provide optional arguments to modify various aspects of your vault. These include:
--lunchboxes [number]: The amount of lunchboxes you want to add to your save
--handymen [number]: The amount of Mr. Handymen you want to add to your save
--carriers [number]: The amount of pet carriers you want to add to your save
--caps [number]: The amount of caps you want
--quantum [number]: The amount of nuka-quantum you want
--food [number]: The amount of food you want
--energy [number]: The amount of energy you want
--water [number]: The amount of water you want
python FOSE.py --save-key [key] --save-iv [iv]
Replace [key] and [iv] with the actual values that you found.
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Optional arguments: modifying resources, dwellers, rooms, and vault name
In addition to the required arguments, you can also provide optional arguments to modify various aspects of your vault. These include:
--lunchboxes [number]: The amount of lunchboxes you want to add to your save
--handymen [number]: The amount of Mr. Handymen you want to add to your save
--carriers [number]: The amount of pet carriers you want to add to your save
--caps [number]: The amount of caps you want
--quantum [number]: The amount of nuka-quantum you want
--food [number]: The amount of food you want
--energy [number]: The amount of energy you want
--water [number]: The amount of water you want
--stim-packs [number]: The amount of stimpacks you want
--rad-away [number]: The amount of radaways you want
--max-dwellers: Set all dwellers' level, SPECIAL, and happiness to max
--unlock-rooms: Unlock all rooms in the game
--vault-name [name]: Change your vault name to anything you want
Replace [number] and [name] with the values you want. You can use any combination of these arguments to customize your vault. For example, if you want to have 100 lunchboxes, 50 pet carriers, 100000 caps, and change your vault name to Vault 101, you can run this command:
python FOSE.py --save-key [key] --save-iv [iv] --lunchboxes 100 --carriers 50 --caps 100000 --vault-name Vault 101
Examples of using FOSE commands
To use FOSE, you need to locate your save files on your device. The location depends on the platform you are playing on. Here are some examples of where to find your save files:
PlatformSave file location
PC (Steam)C:\Users\[username]\Documents\My Games\Fallout Shelter\[vault number].sav
PC (Bethesda)C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Packages\BethesdaSoftworks.FalloutShelter_[random characters]\LocalState\[vault number].sav
PC (Windows Store)C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Packages\BethesdaSoftworks.FalloutShelter_[random characters]\SystemAppData\wgs\[random folder]\[random folder]\[vault number].sav
Android/Android/data/com.bethsoft.falloutshelter/files/Vault[number].sav or /sdcard/Android/data/com.bethsoft.falloutshelter/files/Vault[number].sav
iOS/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/[random folder]/Documents/Vault[number].sav or /private/var/mobile/Containers/Shared/AppGroup/[random folder]/FalloutShelter/Vault[number].sav
Nintendo Switch/switch/Checkpoint/saves/0x010043600ADEE000 Fallout Shelter/[user id]/Vault[number].sav or /atmosphere/contents/010043600ADEE000/romfs/Vault[number].sav (requires Checkpoint save manager)
Once you have located your save files, copy them to the same folder where FOSE is located. Then run the FOSE script with the arguments you want. For example, if you are playing on PC (Steam) and your save file is Vault1.sav, you can run this command:
python FOSE.py --save-key [key] --save-iv [iv] --max-dwellers --unlock-rooms Vault1.sav
This will modify your Vault1.sav file and create a backup file called Vault1.sav.bak. You can then copy the modified file back to the original location and overwrite the old file. Then launch Fallout Shelter and enjoy your customized vault.
Conclusion: Summary of the benefits and drawbacks of using FOSE
FOSE - Fallout Shelter Editor is a powerful tool that allows you to modify your save files and customize your vault in Fallout Shelter. You can use it to add resources, items, dwellers, rooms, and change your vault name. You can also use it to max out your dwellers' level, SPECIAL, and happiness, and unlock all rooms in the game. This can make your gameplay more fun and easy, especially if you are stuck or bored with the game.
However, there are also some drawbacks of using FOSE. First of all, you need to find the save key and save iv that Fallout Shelter uses to encrypt/decrypt its save files. These values are not publicly available, so you need to search online or use a hex editor to find them. Secondly, you need to have Python 3 installed on your device and some Python modules to run FOSE. This may not be convenient for some users who are not familiar with Python or coding. Thirdly, you need to back up your save files before using FOSE, as there is a risk of corrupting or losing your data if something goes wrong. Finally, using FOSE may affect your game balance and challenge, as you can easily get everything you want without much effort. This may reduce your enjoyment and satisfaction of playing the game.
Therefore, you should use FOSE at your own discretion and responsibility. If you decide to use it, make sure you follow the instructions carefully and do not modify anything that you are not sure about. FOSE is a great tool for Fallout Shelter fans who want to have more control and customization over their vaults, but it also comes with some risks and limitations.
FAQs: Five common questions and answers about FOSE
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about FOSE:
Is FOSE safe to use?
FOSE is safe to use as long as you download it from the official GitHub page and follow the instructions carefully. However, there is always a possibility of something going wrong or breaking your game, so make sure you back up your save files before using FOSE.
Will using FOSE affect my achievements or cloud sync?
No, using FOSE will not affect your achievements or cloud sync. You can still earn achievements and sync your progress with the cloud after using FOSE. However, if you modify your vault name, you may need to rename it back to the original name before syncing with the cloud.
Can I use FOSE on other platforms besides PC, Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch?
No, FOSE only works for Fallout Shelter on PC (Steam, Bethesda, and Windows Store), Android, iOS, and Nintendo Switch. It does not work for Fallout Shelter on Xbox One or PlayStation 4.
Can I use FOSE on multiple save files?
Yes, you can use FOSE on multiple save files. You just need to provide the name of the save file as an argument when running FOSE. For example, if you have two save files called Vault1.sav and Vault2.sav, you can run these commands:
python FOSE.py --save-key [key] --save-iv [iv] --max-dwellers Vault1.sav
python FOSE.py --save-key [key] --save-iv [iv] --unlock-rooms Vault2.sav
This will modify Vault1.sav and Vault2.sav separately.
Can I undo the changes made by FOSE?
Yes, you can undo the changes made by FOSE by restoring your backup save files. Whenever you run FOSE, it will create a backup file with the extension .bak in the same folder where FOSE is located. For example, if you modify Vault1.sav with FOSE, it will create a backup file called Vault1.sav.bak. You can copy this file back to the original location and overwrite the modified file to undo the changes.