First, rerun the service analysis using the gross moment of inertia. To force the service analysis to use the gross moment of inertia, the service modifier in the advanced analysis criteria should be larger than 1 divided by the bending cracked factor assigned in RAM Modeler. The program will cap the stiffness at 1.0 times the gross moment of inertia in the analysis. If the maximum service moment in the wall considering 2nd order effects is below 2/3 the cracking moment, then the wall remains uncracked for the service combination per ACI slender wall. The assumption to use the gross moment of inertia was valid.
flow 3d cast advanced crack
Porosity refers to a hole or void in an otherwise solid cast metal part. Pores can range in size from microscopic (micropores) to larger voids measurable in cubic millimeters or larger. Pores are not always circular in cross-section but can also take the form of irregular linear cracks.
A schematic drawing of the high pressure die casting (HPDC) method used in our experiments is shown in Fig. 1(a). In typical HPDC machine is normally composed of two major sections: a fixed section (lower half of the die) and a moveable section (upper half of the die and piston). Die temperature during the whole casting process must be monitored and accurately controlled, as the quality of the casting is very sensitive to the variation in temperature. When the molten alloy is in the die cavity, the heat in the alloy should be removed to allow solidification and subsequent cooling to occur. However, the die temperature depends on a number of process variables such as cycle time, spray distribution and duration, water layout and flow rate, casting volume/geometry, as well as molten metal temperature and composition. A fluid simulation was performed using the Flow3D simulation software to determine the minimum required filling speed and to optimize the casting tool geometry. Due to the insufficient knowledge of the main physical properties of the alloy which are necessary for casting, an earlier laboratory mold casting test was simulated. We were able to determine the melt front solidification time and also the form filling time at known casting parameters according to the simulation results. The results of the previously simulated mold casting tool were taken into account during the high pressure die casting simulation. During the high pressure die casting tool simulation a constant viscosity was chosen at the liquidus temperature as a boundary condition, to be sure that the alloy is able to fill up the mold cavity in a given time, before the solidification starts.
It should be mentioned here that the quality of the keys in the present work can be still optimized further by fine-tuning the casting parameters. This will improve the surface finish, reduce the porosity and hamper the formation of cracks during solidification. Nevertheless, these first results confirm that HPDC is useful for the production of bulk glassy alloys with good soft magnetic properties.