zlib LicenseCopyright (c) 2019 Rick (rick 'at' gibbed 'dot' us)This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or impliedwarranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damagesarising from the use of this software.Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute itfreely, subject to the following restrictions:1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must notclaim that you wrote the original software. If you use this softwarein a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation wouldbe appreciated but is not required.2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must notbe misrepresented as being the original software.3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any sourcedistribution.
I am trying to configure a save file to advance a quest but I have no idea how to use Gibbed's Save Editor. Someone care to walk me through? I need to advance through a problematic part of a quest. Pics would help.
how to use gibbed save editor borderlands 2
It may take some time to get a hang of, but its really not that hard if you think about it. It also comes in handy if you have a quest that you're having a really tough time with such as; finding rare monsters or killing a hard raid boss. It also comes in handy if you're making a save from the ground up.
alright, so i've downloaded the Borderlands 2 save editor called Gibbed's save editor, or something to that effect. i am having trouble going from my computer (a PC if it makes a difference) to my xbox. do i need a special FLashdrive?
As far a needing a 'special flashdrive', you will need to dedicate a thumbdrive for XBox use (or you could just go out and buy one thats already setup for this. Walmart should still sell them, they have the XBox logo on the side). The minimum size needed is 1Gb (or was it 2Gb?). Once youve got it in the 360, scroll over to your 'storage options' on the dashboard, and select it from the list. From there you will be given the option to format it for use on your 360. Afterward, you can then copy/move saves to/from the drive or save directly to it if needed.
As far a getting the actuall save data from the drive for use in Gibbed, an additional program will be needed. The bulk of the turorials on Youtube seem to mention (or only suggest using) Horizon. Modio works just as well (I assume, granted I've only ever used Modio), from what I've seen of the Horizon interface, it looks like it does the same job.
Once you've got the thumbdrive setup, and you have the save you want to edit on it, plug the thumbdrive into your PC then open up Modio/Horizon (or have the program open then plug in, do whatever you want)
Click on the "Explore a Device" under 'Quick Actions'. From there a new window will open. Click on 'Open/Close Drive'. That will bring up the saves on the drive in a branching pattern, sorted by user (a long string of numbers), then by game. Right-click on the save you want to edit, then 'open in resigner'. This will open another window, with the data for the save, as well as who the save is linked to (gamertag wise) and the system it originated on (these will both be long strings of numbers/letters). Click the tab near the top of this window labeled 'File Contents'. This will show the actuall game save file, titled SaveGame.sav (imagine that...). Then just right-click, 'extract file', and save to your desktop (or wherever). Don't close the program yet.
At the bottom of the initial window, click on 'Open a Save'. Then (if theres only the one save, from one user) click on the box with the long string of numbers. Then click on the game (Borderlands 2, this case), then on the save you want. This will open a new tab at the top. From here you will want to click on 'Advanced' from the side-bar. Near the bottom of this will be a button labeled 'Edit Package Contents'. Click that to view your savefile. Right-click and choose 'Save-As' and save to desktop (or wherever). Don't close the program yet.
If you already have the thumbdrive plugged in, the 'Device Explorer' should already be sticking out from the right-hand side of the window. Click on 'Games', then 'Borderlands 2', then double click your save file. This will open a new window with the data for your save file. Click the tab labled 'Contents' to see the actual SaveGame.sav file. Right-click on it and chose 'Extract', then save to your desktop (or wherever). Don't close the program yet.
Once you have your save file, open up Gibbed, then click open. After finding your save file, click the drop-down just above the Open button, and choose 'X360 save file', then click Open. You now have (mostly) complete access to your save data! Muck around with it to your hearts content, but dont forget to save after you've done what you want.
Now that you've [done whatever it was you wanted to], you need to get your save file back onto the thumbdrive. This is a fairly simple task. If you closed [whatever program you chose], just follow the steps to get back to your save file then do the following:
Right-click on the SaveGame.sav file and choose 'Replace'. Then find your newly eddited save file. Afterwards, just press the 'Save, Rehash and Resign' button (the older version of Modio will just say 'Rehash and Resign') 2ff7e9595c